Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 8 on the Oak Ridges Moraine Trail

Today I awoke to rain once again and a half hour drive in that driving rain to find the trail where I left  it the day previous. This tract of forest had close contour lines showing on the map and I was expecting a repeat from the day previous.
Today I decided to keep it to 5-7 kilometers as I felt a little tired from the long day in the Northumberland Forest.
As I started down the road to the trail it started to clear but mist remained hovering in air.
Looking north.
Here we go ... tight turns and lots of these markers to keep you on the track.
Can you see the trail... neither can I
Again lack of use made it interesting but the trail is well marked... you just have to keep your eyes open for the markers on the trees.
Patches of sunlight keeps streaming through into a glade.
Keep at it and you come upon some great trails.
The rain starts again and puddles form in the tracks ... makes for great reflections.
I startle a deer but I am too slow to capture it on film.
 Artsy shot of the day
Today is all about taking it real  ....
Another wildflower ... so small I almost missed it.
The sun pops out yet again and then quickly disappears.
With everything so wet it feels like a West Coast rainforest.
Out of death springs new life.
Loved the colours these pine cones made when wet.
It started to come down in buckets again.. time to move on.
Soaked and loving it. Natalie asked  me to wear my rain suit but I always found sweating in a rain suit was worse than getting wet from just the rain.
Natures protection.
A trail marker that heads me back towards the car.
This trail has been on my bucket list for a few years .. and hey ... look what I found at the end of the trail..
The sun pops out one last time to show this blockage clearly on the trail.
Grassy path along the hedgerows and fields.
One last view and back to the car.
This hike today on the Oak Ridges Trail was rejuvenating and I ended more refreshed than when I started.

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