Friday, May 24, 2013

Day 4 on the Oak Ridges Trail

Never listen to the weatherman...went in spite of the snowed last night so it was pretty cool. A fleece 3 shirts and long pants and ready to go. It was raining all the way there and as I  pulled up to the next trail marker it slowed down to a dull spit. The cool weather was a relief from the heat of the last hike.
I didn't feel like going today as I woke up stiff weary and and with a headache..but a few minutes down the road I surprised a hawk at the side of the road and one Blue Heron from a small pond. The cold crisp air cleared my head and I started to feel invigorated.
Without Skylar today as we were worried she might have picked up a tick on the however is OK for me to get I'll keep going.
Map of the last hike and looking towards today's new roads and trails.
Here is the Oak ridges Trail map if you are looking to go yourself.
Even overcast wet days have a beauty all their own.
The wind is damp and cool and goes right through you and I have brought gloves just in case but I decide to tough it out.
Some native wildlife?
Another cemetery ...set way back along a quiet road and some interesting gravestones and stories that beg to be told.
Long roads and winding trails ..that begin to warm me up.
Just as I get to the halfway point of the days trek the sun comes out for the return leg.
Fields and vistas start to make themselves known once the sun makes an appearance.
Quiet roads and trails..... just the wind and bird songs.
So far I have walked out of the municipality of Trent Hills into the Township of Cramahe and have just tucked myself  into the Township Alnwick /Haldimand. Since I am British this seems appropriate.
Can't believe I am halfway across this map  number 11..maybe I need to slow down.
Today walked along the Dunbar road named after Colonel Dunbar who built it during the war of 1812 to enable troops and supplies to move from Kingston to York. Walking with giants.
On Wednesday I walked on Red Cloud School road and just love that name. Learned today that the community of Red Cloud was settled by Quakers from New York State.

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