Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 7 on the Oak Ridges MoraineTrail

Well this was a soaker from start to finish. Worked all day with Gerd Untermann
who is an amazing sculptor who works mostly in wood. When I was at OCA I took sculpture courses but again with most courses there you were teaching yourself. I decided to go and learn from a master.
Thanks Gerd!
Raining buckets out on the trail today and decided to go on the Uxbridge section since I was in Claremont
This photo was taken after the I decided to run the trail not sure if it was a big mistake.
Sheets of rain looking down the trail.
Keep moving and stay under the canopy of trees was the order of the day.
Even the wildlife is looking for shelter.
This section of the forest is my favorite part of the trail so far. Running through the woods it was a mix of hardwood trees within a tract of a pine plantation of mixed bush and fairly open . Here they are allowing the forest to return to it's natural state .... and again so far no fellow travellers.
Long straightaways and a sheltered canopy of trees.
Just the right amount of hills which means just the right amount of downhills and then you pop out on Brock road.
Moving south on Brock Road you follow the hydro poles which gives you some great views of the countryside.
Then you pop back into the forest again for some great scenery.
Stumbled on a little verdant pond... great reflections and showing the raindrops.
Everything is so green .. and the rain keeps coming down.
Things are so rich and green and the smell of the forest is dank, wet and full of cedar.
This tree laying down looked sculptural.
Loved the fungus growing on this dead log... returning it to nature.
 The forest floor as far as the eyes can see is covered in trillium's... now this is what I have been looking for.
This area is a trail reroute and am I Glad it takes you off the roads.
Time for the Artsy shot of the day!
Oh great ... now which way...
I think it is time to head back.
Got back soaked, tired and knobbly kneed but had a great time. This section is right around Coppins Corners and is called the Clubine and the Norton tract. I realize as I climbed the stile I crossed the watershed from Duffins creek flowing south to lake Ontario and Pefferlaw brook which heads to Lake Simcoe.

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