Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 8 on the Oak Ridges Moraine Trail

Today I awoke to rain once again and a half hour drive in that driving rain to find the trail where I left  it the day previous. This tract of forest had close contour lines showing on the map and I was expecting a repeat from the day previous.
Today I decided to keep it to 5-7 kilometers as I felt a little tired from the long day in the Northumberland Forest.
As I started down the road to the trail it started to clear but mist remained hovering in air.
Looking north.
Here we go ... tight turns and lots of these markers to keep you on the track.
Can you see the trail... neither can I
Again lack of use made it interesting but the trail is well marked... you just have to keep your eyes open for the markers on the trees.
Patches of sunlight keeps streaming through into a glade.
Keep at it and you come upon some great trails.
The rain starts again and puddles form in the tracks ... makes for great reflections.
I startle a deer but I am too slow to capture it on film.
 Artsy shot of the day
Today is all about taking it real  ....
Another wildflower ... so small I almost missed it.
The sun pops out yet again and then quickly disappears.
With everything so wet it feels like a West Coast rainforest.
Out of death springs new life.
Loved the colours these pine cones made when wet.
It started to come down in buckets again.. time to move on.
Soaked and loving it. Natalie asked  me to wear my rain suit but I always found sweating in a rain suit was worse than getting wet from just the rain.
Natures protection.
A trail marker that heads me back towards the car.
This trail has been on my bucket list for a few years .. and hey ... look what I found at the end of the trail..
The sun pops out one last time to show this blockage clearly on the trail.
Grassy path along the hedgerows and fields.
One last view and back to the car.
This hike today on the Oak Ridges Trail was rejuvenating and I ended more refreshed than when I started.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 7 on the Oak Ridges MoraineTrail

Well this was a soaker from start to finish. Worked all day with Gerd Untermann
who is an amazing sculptor who works mostly in wood. When I was at OCA I took sculpture courses but again with most courses there you were teaching yourself. I decided to go and learn from a master.
Thanks Gerd!
Raining buckets out on the trail today and decided to go on the Uxbridge section since I was in Claremont
This photo was taken after the I decided to run the trail not sure if it was a big mistake.
Sheets of rain looking down the trail.
Keep moving and stay under the canopy of trees was the order of the day.
Even the wildlife is looking for shelter.
This section of the forest is my favorite part of the trail so far. Running through the woods it was a mix of hardwood trees within a tract of a pine plantation of mixed bush and fairly open . Here they are allowing the forest to return to it's natural state .... and again so far no fellow travellers.
Long straightaways and a sheltered canopy of trees.
Just the right amount of hills which means just the right amount of downhills and then you pop out on Brock road.
Moving south on Brock Road you follow the hydro poles which gives you some great views of the countryside.
Then you pop back into the forest again for some great scenery.
Stumbled on a little verdant pond... great reflections and showing the raindrops.
Everything is so green .. and the rain keeps coming down.
Things are so rich and green and the smell of the forest is dank, wet and full of cedar.
This tree laying down looked sculptural.
Loved the fungus growing on this dead log... returning it to nature.
 The forest floor as far as the eyes can see is covered in trillium's... now this is what I have been looking for.
This area is a trail reroute and am I Glad it takes you off the roads.
Time for the Artsy shot of the day!
Oh great ... now which way...
I think it is time to head back.
Got back soaked, tired and knobbly kneed but had a great time. This section is right around Coppins Corners and is called the Clubine and the Norton tract. I realize as I climbed the stile I crossed the watershed from Duffins creek flowing south to lake Ontario and Pefferlaw brook which heads to Lake Simcoe.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Day 6 on the Oak Ridges Moraine Trail - The Northumberland County Forest

Well back on the Trail and in way over my head immediately. The path is narrow and tight and barely navigable..but is challenging and fun for both Skylar and I. Today is all about hills, lack of water and more hills.... did I mention hills?
We walked the Goodwin trail for most of the morning and it was mostly a red pine forest. Tall straight pillars destined for Hydro poles.
I thought the previous miles would be getting me ready for all this crowding on the map of contour lines. I was mistaken. Here is one such hill.
Climbing all day has its finer points ... only when you start down the other side.
Skylar and I also did a lot of scrambling over rocks, dead trees and winter leaves that can make it slippery on the downhill.
I still am yet to meet any other hikers of any kind on the trail. Today I did meet Steven Vandrusen who was out counting birds. Great work if you can get it. He is a grad from Fleming out counting the birds in forested and logged areas of the forest and seeing what the results of logging are to the bird numbers. Steven said they are down in logged areas don't need a PHD to draw that conclusion but Steven is out counting the numbers to have the data to have concrete proof. Keep up the great work Steve. Nothing better than to be paid to be outside.
I almost didn't see him in his camo outfit.
Orange is so the loggers see him. I said all I have to do is take of my hat!!
Kept hiking but after my talk with Steven I started to notice more birds.
I must remember to bring my binoculars along and slow down...
 to look both up and look down.
I am lucky I was able to take this photo ..every time we stopped to take a photo Skylar would lie down and try to stretch herself over the flowers ..I think she is just a photo hog.
In this section I found the peace and solitude I was looking for. Gone are the sounds of cars, machines, or man made noises... just the heavy breathing of us both and the crunch of the leaves underfoot.

Came across a porcupine and they move up a tree pretty quick especially with all those quillseven though they really don't have to.
Some great signs today ... on this sign Skylar and I sure did.
Found this sign showing that I made it out of the woods and into ..the forest.
Loved this sign.... I hope and my Dr hopes that in part 2  all will happen to me. That is another reason why I am out here.
Passed my Cathedral today and made a few prayers.
A few trillium's underfoot.
Skylar and I out of breath, water and stamina... we went a little too far today..again walked off the map and into the next county.
So far we have walked from Warkworth to Cobourg and back again. Slowly and steadily getting there. Not sure where there is or that if  being out here.... isn't already there!